Sunday, December 7, 2008

RE: DOD to CDC: Vaccines cause harm

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Vaccine Truther (End the Fed
Date: Dec 4, 2008 7:33 PM

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From: ♥Bernardette~ Mother of an Asperger Angel
Date: Dec 4, 2008 5:50 PM

http://www. myspace. com/sentimentaldreamer

The Pentagon - A Voice of Reason on Vaccines and Autism?
by David Kirby on Huffington Post

When it comes to fighting autism, maybe we should send in the Army.

Autism and the military have a deep history together. Children of service members are reportedly almost twice as likely to have autism (1-in-88) than those in the general population (1-in-150). Meanwhile, the Department of Defense quietly spends millions in taxpayer dollars researching the possible causes of autism at far-from-the-spotlight centers around the country.

Recently, several documents have been brought to my attention which, when viewed together, suggest that the Department of Defense has legitimate concerns about vaccine injuries and their possible connection to autism, perhaps more so than other branches of the Federal Government.

These documents raise several questions that I am currently trying to get answered from DOD officials:

1) Autism may be an "adverse event" of Tripedia (DTaP) use

According to the website of the Vaccine Healthcare Centers Network, run by DOD and CDC, autism is listed as an "adverse event" associated with use of the Tripedia triple vaccine for diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis.

My questions are: Why does autism appear here? Does VHC consider autism to be a possible adverse event of DTaP use, or has it simply been reported that way by parents?

2) Patients who have bad vaccine reactions should avoid multiple vaccines in the future

According to this VHC slide, any patient who has a "Systemic Event" following immunization - defined as "symptoms and signs of illness after vaccination" and "any reaction that does not involve the injection site" - should avoid multiple vaccines in the future, if possible.

My questions are: Is that standard DOD policy? Is there an alternative schedule for these patients? Does this advice apply to children of service members as well? Why is this information not shared with civilian doctors and pediatricians?

To read the complete article, please visit http://www. huffingtonpost. com/david-kirby/the-pentagon---a-voice-of_b_148490. html

RE: Take two of these & call me in the morning

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: The American Truth Foundation (The ATF )
Date: Dec 4, 2008 3:20 PM

From: One Truth **Μολών Λaβέ**
Date: Dec 4, 2008 1:27 PM

Drug pushers... have got you mindfucked hard! Glad I don't have cable!

RE: Cancer Industry exploitation of women,and lies about breast

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From: Vaccine Truther (End the Fed
Date: Dec 4, 2008 10:25 PM

Cancer Industry exploitation of women,and lies about breast cancer

Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, you'll start seeing
"pink" products everywhere and you might be urged to donate money, buy
pink products or run for the cure.
Even though we're told that every
penny helps, where do those pennies go? If we are donating all this
money for a cure, then why are women not being told the truth about
preventing breast cancer with vitamin D, green tea, foods, herbs and
alternative therapies?

Why are the treatment options explained to women limited to
high-profit drugs, radiation, surgical procedures and more mammography
-- a procedure that actually causes breast cancer by irradiating
breast tissue?

Cures for breast cancer exist right now, but the cancer industry
censors and discredits them, then pretends that a chemical cure will
be found if people would just donate enough money.
(It's always about
more money, isn't it?) Shame on the public for believing such nonsense.

Breast Cancer Awareness is a modern variation of the oldest
confidence scam in the book.
It's actually a recruiting ploy to
victimize women by exploiting their bodies to generate profits for
some of the wealthiest corporations in the world: Drug companies.

Most drug companies are headed by men, by the way, who earn
ridiculously large salaries in the hundreds of millions of dollars.
it's the same old story: Rich, powerful white men telling women what
to do with their bodies, all while raking in obscene profits on every
dose of toxic chemotherapy injected into a woman's body.

It's time to tell the truth about Big Pharma's exploitation of women.

If drug companies and non-profit cancer groups really cared about
women, they would be teaching them how to prevent breast cancer in the
first place.
Yet that approach is almost entirely ignored because it
keeps women healthy and denies revenues to the extremely profitable
cancer treatment industry.

It's no exaggeration to say the cancer industry thrives on disease
and suffering while marketing its services by terrorizing women
through the use of proven fear tactics like telling women they only
have six months to live unless they submit to chemotherapy.
And guess
who funds the cancer non-profits the most? Pharmaceutical companies,
of course.

The cancer industry is all about corporate profits, not women's
And yes, I'm willing to tell the truth about it, because I
actually care about the health of women, and I'm outraged at how many
have been victimized by the cancer industry.

If there's any kind of urgency, it should be the urgency to educate people about ways to prevent breast cancer. Prevention is remarkably inexpensive, and it can be put into practice right away. The preventions for this disease are already well-known and well-documented, so there's really nothing to run around in circles for -- unless you want to get some exercise and sunshine, which are probably the best cures for breast cancer in the first place. The healing power of sunlight and its ability to promote vitamin D in the body -- which halts the growth of breast cancer tumors -- is far more powerful than any pharmaceutical human beings can create. Add in the power of green tea, chlorella, Una de Gato (Cat's Claw), selenium, zinc and other nutrients from foods and herbs and you already have the tools to help prevent more than ninety percent of all cancers.

If you want your "Race for the Cure," go ahead and race, but race for your own sunshine, your own exercise and your own cure. And don't be suckered in by a corporate-sponsored guilt trip that only functions as a financial shakedown of a gullible public. Mark my words: Breast cancer will never be cured by patented chemicals. The "race for the cure" is a massive deception that distracts us from what we all need to be focusing on in regards to this condition, which is prevention through nutrition, detoxification, avoidance of cancer-causing chemicals, stress reduction and physical exercise.

http://www. naturalnews. com/


----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Order out of Chaos
Date: Dec 5, 2008 3:48 AM

I'll stick with my dog, but people where I live aren't useless eaters like that

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Pan Man
Date: Dec 5, 2008 2:29 AM

Here's a hint: Man is definitely not Man's best friend!

Check out an amazing video of a dog saving another dog that had been hit by a car on the highway. The heroic canine runs into traffic and drags the severely injured dog out of harm's way.
Totally inspiring and magnificent!

I am in awe. I now have a dog for a hero! Tears of reverence, joy and respect are not bitter at all. I think the shift has begun. I hope we can all catch up to this canine...soon!


RE: As a nurse why I left main stream medicine

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Vaccine Truther (End the Fed
Date: Dec 4, 2008 8:41 PM

----------------- Original Message -----------------
Date: Dec 4, 2008 7:10 PM

RE: FDA Admits Mercury Fillings Have Neurotoxic Effects On Kids

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Lori
Date: Dec 5, 2008 9:15 PM

From: Rise Against Corporate Predators
Date: Dec 5, 2008 7:10 PM

From: The Man Common
Date: 04 Dec 2008, 10:35

FDA Reluctantly Admits Mercury Fillings Have Neurotoxic Effects on Children

by David Gutierrez

Go To Original

For the first time, the FDA has issued a warning that the mercury contained in silver dental fillings may pose neurological risks to children and pregnant women.

"Dental amalgams contain mercury, which may have neurotoxic effects on the nervous systems of developing children and fetuses," reads a statement that has been added to the agency's Web site.
"Pregnant women and persons who may have a health condition that makes them more sensitive to mercury exposure, including individuals with existing high levels of mercury bioburden, should not avoid seeking dental care, but should discuss options with their health practitioner.

The warning was one of the conditions that the FDA agreed to in settling a lawsuit filed by several consumer health groups.

"Gone, gone, gone are all of FDA's claims that no science exists that amalgam is unsafe," said Charles Brown, a lawyer for Consumers for Dental Choice, one of the plaintiffs.

"It's a watershed moment," said Michael Bender of the Mercury Policy Project, another plaintiff.

Mercury is a well-known neurotoxin that can cause cognitive and developmental problems, especially in fetuses and children. It can also cause brain and kidney damage in adults.

So-called dental amalgams, or fillings made with a mix of mercury and other metals, have been used since the 1800s.
Although it is known that small amounts of mercury are vaporized (and can be inhaled) when the fillings are used to chew food, and though Canada, France and Sweden have all placed restrictions on the use of mercury fillings, the FDA has always insisted that amalgams are safe.

Dental amalgams are considered medical devices, regulated by the FDA.

Even the FDA's new warning stops short of admitting that dental amalgams are dangerous for the general population.
Instead, it focuses on the same population that has already been warned to limit mercury exposure by consuming less seafood: children and pregnant women.
The FDA says it does not recommend that those who already have mercury fillings get them removed.

Millions of people have received amalgam fillings, although their popularity has dropped off in recent years. Currently, only 30 percent of dental fillings contain mercury - the rest are tooth-colored resin composites made from glass, cement and porcelain. These alternative fillings are more expensive and less durable than amalgam, however.

In 2002, the FDA began a regulatory review of amalgam that was expected to be complete within a few years. In 2006, with the review still incomplete, an independent FDA advisory panel of doctors and dentists rejected the agency's position that there is no reason for concern about the use of amalgam. While the panel agreed that the majority of people receiving such fillings would not be harmed, panel members expressed concern for the health of certain sensitive populations, including children under the age of six.

The panel recommended that the FDA conduct further studies on the risks to children from dental amalgam, and that it consider a policy of informed consent for children and pregnant: that is, warning those groups of the risks associated with the fillings before installing them.

Part of the lawsuit centered on the FDA's failure to respond to these recommendations in a timely fashion.

"This is your classic failure to act," federal judge Ellen Segal Huvelle told the agency.

As part of the lawsuit settlement, the FDA must reach a final decision on the regulation of amalgam by July 28, 2009.

"This court settlement signals the death knell for mercury fillings," Brown predicted.

But J.P.
Morgan Securities analyst Ipsita Smolinski disagreed, saying that the FDA is unlikely to ban amalgam entirely

"We do believe that the agency will ask for the label to indicate that mercury is an ingredient in the filling, and that special populations should be exempt from such fillings, such as: nursing women, pregnant women, young children, and immunocompromised individuals," Smolinski said.
