RE: If You Want to Know if Spot Loves You So, It’s in His Tail
From: Elsewhere's Daughter
Date: Apr 30, 2007 2:23 PM
Every dog lover knows how a pooch expresses its feelings.
Interactive Feature
This blog is designed to help remove the power from mal-practicing doctors and put it where it belongs, in the hands of the people.
Every dog lover knows how a pooch expresses its feelings.
Ears close to the head, tense posture, and tail straight out from the body means “don’t mess with me.” Ears perked up, wriggly body and vigorously wagging tail means “I am sooo happy to see you!”
But there is another, newly discovered, feature of dog body language that may surprise attentive pet owners and experts in canine behavior. When dogs feel fundamentally positive about something or someone, their tails wag more to the right side of their rumps. When they have negative feelings, their tail wagging is biased to the left.
A study describing the phenomenon, “Asymmetric tail-wagging responses by dogs to different emotive stimuli,” appeared in the March 20 issue of Current Biology. The authors are Giorgio Vallortigara, a neuroscientist at the University of Trieste in Italy, and two veterinarians, Angelo Quaranta and Marcello Siniscalchi, at the University of Bari, also in Italy.
“This is an intriguing observation,” said Richard J. Davidson, director of the Laboratory for Affective Neuroscience at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. It fits with a large body of research showing emotional asymmetry in the brain, he said.
Research has shown that in most animals, including birds, fish and frogs, the left brain specializes in behaviors involving what the scientists call approach and energy enrichment. In humans, that means the left brain is associated with positive feelings, like love, a sense of attachment, a feeling of safety and calm. It is also associated with physiological markers, like a slow heart rate.
At a fundamental level, the right brain specializes in behaviors involving withdrawal and energy expenditure. In humans, these behaviors, like fleeing, are associated with feelings like fear and depression. Physiological signals include a rapid heart rate and the shutdown of the digestive system.
Because the left brain controls the right side of the body and the right brain controls the left side of the body, such asymmetries are usually manifest in opposite sides of the body. Thus many birds seek food with their right eye (left brain/nourishment) and watch for predators with their left eye (right brain/danger).
In humans, the muscles on the right side of the face tend to reflect happiness (left brain) whereas muscles on the left side of the face reflect unhappiness (right brain).
Dog tails are interesting, Dr. Davidson said, because they are in the midline of the dog’s body, neither left nor right. So do they show emotional asymmetry, or not?
To find out, Dr. Vallortigara and his colleagues recruited 30 family pets of mixed breed that were enrolled in an agility training program. The dogs were placed in a cage equipped with cameras that precisely tracked the angles of their tail wags. Then they were shown four stimuli through a slat in the front of the cage: their owner; an unfamiliar human; a cat; and an unfamiliar, dominant dog.
In each instance the test dog saw a person or animal for one minute, rested for 90 seconds and saw another view. Testing lasted 25 days with 10 sessions per day.
When the dogs saw their owners, their tails all wagged vigorously with a bias to the right side of their bodies, Dr. Vallortigara said. Their tails wagged moderately, again more to the right, when faced with an unfamiliar human. Looking at the cat, a four-year-old male whose owners volunteered him for the experiment, the dogs’ tails again wagged more to the right but in a lower amplitude.
When the dogs looked at an aggressive, unfamiliar dog — a large Belgian shepherd Malinois — their tails all wagged with a bias to the left side of their bodies.
Thus when dogs were attracted to something, including a benign, approachable cat, their tails wagged right, and when they were fearful, their tails went left, Dr. Vallortigara said. It suggests that the muscles in the right side of the tail reflect positive emotions while the muscles in the left side express negative ones.
While some researchers have argued that only humans show brain asymmetry — based on the evolution of language in the left brain — strong left and right biases are showing up in the brains of many so-called simpler creatures, said Lesley Rogers, a neuroscientist who studies brain asymmetry at the University of New England in Armidale, Australia.
Honeybees learn better when using their right antenna, she said. Male chameleons show more aggression, reflected as changes in body color, when they look at another chameleon with their left eye. A toad is more likely to jump away when a predator is introduced to its left visual field (right brain/fear). The same toad prefers to flick its tongue to the right side when lashing out at a cricket (left brain/ nourishment).
Chicks prefer to use their left eye to search for food and right eye to watch for predators overhead, Dr. Rogers said. But when chicks are raised in the dark, they do not develop normal brain asymmetry. In trying to eat and watch for hawks overhead, such nonlateralized chicks become confused and vulnerable to attack.
Sheep, which are good at recognizing individual faces, use the right sides of their brains for knowing a Dolly from a Molly.
Chimpanzee brains are asymmetrical in the same ways as human brains, said William D. Hopkins, a researcher at the Yerkes National Primate Center and psychologist at Agnes Scott College in Atlanta. When chimps are excited, they tend to scratch themselves on the left side of their bodies, reflecting strong negative emotions, he said. And left-handed chimps are more fearful of novel stimuli than right-handers. Their dominant right brains may make them more cautious.
Brain asymmetry for approach and withdrawal seems to be an ancient trait, Dr. Rogers said. Thus it must confer some sort of survival advantage on organisms.
Animals that can do two important things at the same time, like eat and watch for predators, would be better off, she said. And animals with two brain hemispheres could avoid duplication of function, making maximal use of neural tissue.
The asymmetry may also arise from how major nerves in the body connect up to the brain, said Arthur D. Craig, a neuroanatomist at the Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix. Nerves that carry information from the skin, heart, liver, lungs and other internal organs are inherently asymmetrical, he said. Thus information from the body that prompts an animal to slow down, eat, relax and restore itself is biased toward the left brain. Information from the body that tells an animal to run, fight, breathe faster and look out for danger is biased toward the right brain.
In this way, Dr. Craig said, animals are naturally designed to cope with changing environments.
"Recent peer-reviewed scientific/medical studies by Nataf et al. (2006) and by Geier and Geier (2006) leave little doubt that many autistic children are indeed mercury poisoned. These studies utilized urinary porphyrin profile analysis (UPPA) to assess the body-burden and magnitude of physiological effects of mercury in children. "
Nobody told us where fluoride came from. All we knew is that it was a newly discovered chemical that would make our teeth extra hard and ward off cavities. When a free fluoride clinic was set up one summer in our school, all the kids in town lined up to have the bitter tasting stuff rubbed on their teeth.
We were pretty gullible in those days. The period immediately following World War II was a time of scientific advancement. After the inventions of nylon, rayon, plastic and other marvelous products that replaced fabrics, rubber and steel during the war years, people were lulled into the belief that those balding men in white laboratory jackets could solve all of the problems of the world. The belief was so strong that we blindly accepted whatever a "scientist" told us. Nobody dreamed that we might be victims of fraud.
My father was part of the magic. He worked as a chemical engineer for a factory that made a variety of products out of wheat and corn starch (including the brain-killing excitotoxin monosodium glutamate). He provided well and I consequently made regular visits to a dentist every summer. I knew well the agony of the dentist drill. It was nothing like the advanced water-cooled high-speed equipment used by modern dentists. Repairing a cavity doomed us to what seemed like hours of white-knuckle torture under the glaring lights of the dental chair, while a man with plastic rimmed glasses and bad breath bored his way through teeth (and bone?). Once the drilling was done, the dentist filled the hole he made with a hot metallic material that burned when it went in, and left a bad taste in your mouth.
We had a mom-and-pop grocery store in our neighborhood where kids could buy penny candy and a package of gum for a nickel. I made a lot of visits to that candy store.
Even though my mother made sure that I brushed my teeth daily, somehow I don't remember linking the candy I was eating to all of the cavities. When fluoride was introduced, it seemed like a child's dream come true.
I was disappointed, of course. I had just as many cavities in my teeth the following year.
When they started dumping fluoride in the local water supply, and adding it to the ingredients in our toothpaste, I thought that would surely solve my problem. It seemed reasonable to think that I didn't get a heavy enough dose of fluoride when I attended the free clinic. After all, if a little bit of fluoride was good for my teeth, it made sense that a lot more fluoride would be even better.
But alas, after years of drinking, scrubbing and consuming fluoride-laced products, we now learn that we've been scammed. This chemical is found to be totally ineffective in preventing tooth decay. Not only that, it seems to be directly linked to a variety of medical problems ranging from discolored teeth to bone disease and cancer.
In short, fluoride is a poison.
This is not news to the medical world. The Journal of the American Medical Association and the New England Journal of Medicine have both reported greater incidence of hip fractures in fluoridated areas. The National Institute of Environmental and Health Services has linked fluoridation with cancer.
A book by Dr. John Yiamouyiannis, titled "Fluoride, The Aging Factor," shows that the drug causes a premature aging process. He notes that in areas where fluoride is consumed in the drinking water, there are higher rates of bone disorders (skeletal fluorosis, osteoporosis and arthritic pain) and people suffer from brown decaying teeth.
"Fluoride is a poison!" Yiamouyiannis warns." The 1984 issue of Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products lists fluoride as more poisonous than lead and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic. It has been used as a pesticide for mice, rats and other small pests. A 10-pound infant could be killed by 1/100 of an ounce and a 100-pound adult could be killed by 1/10 of an ounce of fluoride. The Akron Regional Poison Center indicates that a 7-ounce tube of toothpaste contains 199 mg. of fluoride, more than enough to kill a 25-pound child."
Yiamouyiannis writes that the acceleration of the aging process by fluoride occurs at the bio-chemical level by causing enzyme inhibition, collagen breakdown, genetic damage and disruption of the immune system.
"Fluoride interacts with the bonds which maintain the normal shape of proteins," he continues. "With distorted protein, the immune system attacks it's own protein, the body's own tissue." The visual and physical effects from prolonged exposure to fluoride include nausea, bloody vomit, faintness, stomach cramps, tremors, constipation, aching bones, stiffness, skin rash, weight loss and brown or black discoloration of the teeth.
The horror in this story is that fluoride was known as a deadly poison from the start. But if this was true, why would the U. S. government promote the sale of it to its own people, and later people all over the world? Would you believe the answer to this question is money?
There is compelling evidence that the program of water fluoridation began as a massive effort to cover up bad publicity from one of the most toxic materials to emerge from the government's secret nuclear weapons program. The idea was that if fluoride could be presented to the country as beneficial, then no one could sue the government for being harmed by it.
An article by Dr. Jackie Alan Giuliano in "Healing Our World" noted that reporters Joel Griffiths and Chris Bryson discovered the truth about fluoride while researching hundreds of declassified documents about the Manhattan Project, America's secret atomic bomb development program.
They found that fluoride as a key chemical in atomic bomb production. Millions of tons were used during the Cold War period to manufacture high-grade uranium and plutonium.
"Fluoride was the top chemical hazard of the U.S. nuclear weapons program, not only for workers, but for those living in nearby communities as well," Giuliano wrote.
"The documents show that the first U.S. lawsuits levied against the atomic weapons program were over fluoride poisoning, not radiation damage. The documents reveal that the U.S. government secretly ordered atomic bomb scientists to create "evidence useful in litigation" against defense contractors who were being accused of injuring citizens with fluoride."
This secret work to head-off government lawsuits lead to a multi-billion dollar industry that has been poisoning our water supplies, our toothpaste, and our bodies ever since. Believe this or not, fluoride tablets are even available for children.
To escape the harmful effects of fluoride, Yiamouyiannis suggests that you seek non-fluoride toothpaste (but you may have to go to health stores to find it), and drink bottled water. Even using tap water to cook may expose you to fluoride.
Now that the truth about fluoride is out, why haven't towns and toothpaste companies stopped dumping this terrible poison in our water and toothpaste supplies? Don't expect that to happen. Remember, I said this is a multi-billion dollar industry. Nobody shuts down a money machine like that without a fight.
(Visit the author's web site at
Important Update: Harvard Links Fluoride To Cancer!
By Jessica Fargen
Thursday, April 6, 2006
Young boys who drink fluoridated tap water are at greater risk for a rare bone cancer, Harvard researchers reported yesterday.
The study, published online yesterday in a Harvard-affiliated journal, could intensify debate over fluoridation and mean more scrutiny for Harvard's Dr. Chester Douglass, accused of fudging the findings to downplay a cancer link.
"It's the best piece of work ever linking fluoride in tap water and bone cancer. It's pretty damning for (Douglass)," said Richard Wiles of the Environmental Working Group, which filed a complaint with the National Institutes of Health against Douglass.
Douglass, an epidemiology professor at Harvard's School of Dental Medicine, is paid as editor of the Colgate Oral Care Report, a newsletter supported by the toothpaste maker.
Harvard and the NIH are investigating whether Douglass misrepresented research findings last year when he said there was no link, despite extensive research to the contrary by one of his doctoral students. The NIH gave Douglass at least $1 million for the research.
That student, Dr. Elise Bassin, wrote in yesterday's Cancer Causes and Control that boys who drink water with levels of fluoride considered safe by federal guidlines are five times more likely to develop osteosarcoma than boys who drink unfluoridated water. About 250 U.S. boys each year are diagnosed with osteosarcoma, the most common type of bone cancer and the sixth most common cancer in children. Bassin notes that more research is needed to "confirm or refute this observation."
Douglass, in a letter to the editor published in the same issue, said Bassin¹s study was a ³partial view of this ongoing study,² and urged readers to be ³especially cautious² when interpreting the findings.
You may also want to read SV-40: The Deadly Cure.
are at the bottom of this article)
by the Australasian Society of Oral Medicine and Toxicology.
Phone 61-2-9867 1111
is NO safe form of mercury in living tissue.
Mercury is one component of vaccinations.
Mercury from your body with Detoxamin: A new kind of Chelation
Dental Board Backs Down
Opinion by "Consumer Advocate" Tim Bolen
January 19, 2002
I love it when a plan
comes together...
The people of the State
of Florida, WERE in imminent danger,until yesterday, January 18, 2001. Not
from a terrorist attack,not from a hurricane, but from a source few would
suspect - their friendly, neighborhood dentist. And that dentist - held hostage
- was going to be forced to cooperate, in what some Health Freedom activists
characterize as "the forcing of a known deadly toxin into our bodies"
Everyone in the world
knows that MERCURY is a deadly poison, and wreaks havoc with the human body.
The problem is so well known in government circles that US Congresswoman Diane
Watson, on Monday November 5, 2001 introduced a bill OUTLAWING the use of
mercury fillings in the US over a five year period.
But, prior to yesterday,
it looked like the Florida Dental Board was taking it's orders from quackbuster"
kingpin, Bobbie Baratz, who recently replaced delicensed MD Stephen Barrett
on the
quackpot throne. And that would have meant, simply, that Floridians would
be forced to accept mercury fillings HAMMERED into the mouths of their children,
and loved ones, whether they liked it or not. An apparently corrupt Dental
Association was trying to get the Florida Dental Board to pass rules making
it illegal to warn patients about the effects of the deadly poison (mercury)
that makes up 50% of every (so-called) "silver" dental filling.
They were also trying to pass regulations that would
allow seizure of licenses of practicing dentists who remove mercury fillings,
or advertise to do so. Three new regulations, sponsored by the Florida Dental
Association, were on the table in
front of the Dental board for discussion. They were introduced last September.
The largest manufacturer
of mercury amalgams, I'm told, manufactures in Florida. There has been no
investigation, as yet, into whether State appointed Dental Board members,
or Dental Association members have any financial, or business relationships
with amalgam manufacturers. Maybe it's time to look...
In a two hour meeting
before that Dental board health freedom activists from all over North America
gathered. They were there to counter the LUDICROUS presentation, asking for
the three new
regulations, made to the Florida Dental Board, last September, on behalf of
the Florida Dental Association, by the buffoon-in-chief himself, National
Council Against Health Fraud (NCAHF) President Bobbie Baratz.
There was standing room
World renowned experts
testified about the dangers of mercury, and the responsibility the Dental
Board has to protect the public. For almost two hours, "real experts"
countered the DRIVEL
previously delivered, in September, to the Florida Board by quackpot Baratz.
Baratz, who was there,
was apparently so intimidated he couldn't speak when it was his turn, at the
end of the meeting. The Dental Association representative declined to have
Baratz speak
at this meeting. They had flown Baratz, who claims he gets $350 per hour as
an "expert," all the way down from Massachusetts. Not to speak?
Maybe the message that
the people of California delivered to their own Dental Board, this last year,
sank in, in Florida. Californians DUMPED their own board, forcing the formation
of a new board, with all new members, after January 1, 2002, because the board
acted arrogantly over ONE issue, the posting of mercury amalgam warnings in
dental offices. The disbanded board kept insisting that "there is no
evidence that mercury amalgams pose a problem." Californians know better.
Or, maybe it was the fact
that the Health Freedom people in Florida, brought their own court reporter,
and their own video team, to record the proceedings. But, whatever...
The Florida Dental Board
backed down...
The Florida campaign was
WELL designed. It was choreographed from start to finish - and it's not finished
yet. The broad-issue health freedom people jumped in and made an alliance
with the dental issue people - an alliance made in heaven. New friends were
The goals, and objectives,
were well thought out. And, an action plan was initiated and carried through
to this point - and it's not over.
Four major things were
(1) Information on the
dangers of mercury amalgam were put into the public record - so that it
cannot be denied,
(2) information on laws
governing what the public needs to be warned about was put into the public
record - so that it cannot be denied,
(3) information on the
"Florida Health Freedom Bill" and it's INTENT was formally entered
into the public record by the Senate and House sponsors of that legislation
- so that it cannot be denied,
(4) information was
entered into the public record about the LACK OF CREDIBILITY of Robert S.
Baratz MD, DDS, PhD (Bobbie Baratz) President of the NCAHF - so that it
cannot be denied.
Of course, the reason
they did these things was calculated. Should the Florida Dental Board have
continued on their original course, with the information they now had in front
of them, they too, like in California, would have been history. That was,
and is, the next step, if necessary.
It isn't necessary - yet.
You don't mess with the
Health Freedom Movement...
Amalgam (Silver) Fillings
Mercury sources and toxicity
ROCHESTER, NEW YORK. Mercury is a highly toxic metal associated with damage to the kidneys and
central nervous system. Mercury vapour is emitted from volcanoes, coal-burning power stations, and
municipal incinerators and returns to the earth through rain contaminated with metallic mercury. Metallic
mercury is methylated to methyl mercury in oceans and lakes and enters the food chain via fish and other
seafood. Long-lived predator fish such as shark, swordfish, tilefish, king mackerel, and pike and bass in
fresh water are the main sources of methyl mercury. Dental amalgams are an important source of mercury
vapour and the vaccine preservative thimerosal is a significant source of ethyl mercury.
Researchers at the University of Rochester School of Medicine recently published a review of what is
currently known about mercury toxicity. Among the highlights:
Editor's comment: The review makes it clear that exposure to mercury is detrimental, but hard to
avoid. Nevertheless, avoiding the placement of new amalgam dental fillings and gradually replacing old
ones with composite fillings, avoiding gum chewing if amalgam fillings are present, and limiting the intake of
fish with high mercury levels are all steps that can be taken by everyone. It is important to realize that
consuming just one 7 oz (198 grams) can of tuna per week translates into a mercury intake of 0.1
microgram/day of mercury per kilogram of body weight – equivalent to the currently recommended maximum
daily intake.
ADA fighting the mercury battle
GAITHERSBURG, MARYLAND. The American Dental Association (ADA) has launched an advertising
campaign to discourage patients from having their amalgam (silver) fillings removed. Many patients and
sometimes even their physicians believe that mercury, the main component of amalgams, plays a role in
promoting such varied diseases as Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, and autism. The ADA says the evidence
is not there and their Code of Ethics forbids dentists from advising their patients that there could be a link.
Scientists at the University of Milan disagree with the ADA and point out that several studies have confirmed
that mercury from amalgam dental fillings does enter tissues and that the mercury content of brain, thyroid,
kidney, and pituitary gland tissue is proportional to the number of amalgam fillings. They conclude that the
health effects of amalgam fillings are not at all clear and need further investigation. German researchers
point out that some of the composite materials used in the replacement of amalgam fillings may in
themselves be toxic.
Larkin, M. Don't remove amalgam fillings, urges American Dental Association. The Lancet, Vol. 360,
August 3, 2002, p. 393
Guzzi, G, et al. Should amalgam fillings be removed? The Lancet, Vol. 360, December 21/28, 2002, p.
Editor's comment: Mercury and removed amalgam fillings are classified as hazardous materials
and require extreme caution in disposal. Why they would be hazardous outside the mouth, but not inside
defies comprehension. It is also a scientifically proven fact that the blood level of mercury is twice as high in
dentists as in non-dentists. This fact and the fact that savvy patients don't want mercury in their mouths is
no doubt what is leading many dentists to put a, albeit discrete, sign in their waiting rooms "Mercury-free
Fish, mercury, and heart disease
BALTIMORE, MARYLAND. Several studies have shown that regular fish consumption protects against
cardiovascular disease. Other studies have shown that consuming mercury-contaminated fish increases the
risk of coronary heart disease. The beneficial effect of fish consumption is believed to be due to the
presence of the omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in the
tissue of fish and shellfish. Two recent studies have attempted to answer the question "Are the beneficial
effects of fish oils (EPA and DHA) outweighed by the negative effects of mercury"?
The first study, carried out by a team of researchers from eight European countries, Israel and the United
States, involved 684 men who had suffered a first non-fatal heart attack and 724 matched controls. All
participants had their mercury level measured in toenail clippings and their level of DHA measured in a fat
tissue sample taken from the buttock. Participants with a mercury level of 0.66 mcg/gram were found to
have twice (odds ratio of 2.16) the risk of having a first heart attack when compared with participants having
a mercury level of 0.11 mcg/gram. This risk assessment was arrived at after adjusting for age, DHA level in
adipose tissue, body-mass index, waist:hip ratio, smoking status, alcohol intake, HDL cholesterol level,
diabetes, history of hypertension, family history of heart attack, blood levels of vitamin E and beta-carotene,
and toenail level of selenium.
The research team also found that participants with a high (0.44% of total fatty acids) fat tissue content of
DHA had a 41% lower risk of having a first heart attack than did those with a low (0.10% of total fatty acids)
fat tissue level of DHA. This risk assessment was arrived after adjusting for all other known risk factors
including toenail mercury level.
The researchers point out that the main sources of mercury are occupational exposure (dentists), exposure
to silver-mercury amalgam in dental fillings, and fish consumption. They conclude that the health benefit of
fish consumption is significantly diminished if the fish is high in mercury. They also confirm the
cardioprotective effect of fish oils (DHA).
The second study was part of the Health Professionals Follow-Up Study begun in 1986 as a cooperative
venture between the Harvard School of Public Health, the Brigham and Women's Hospital, and Harvard
Medical School. The study involved 33,737 male health professionals who had toenail clippings analyzed
for mercury in 1987. After 5 years of follow-up 470 participants had been diagnosed with coronary heart
disease. The researchers observed that dentists, who are habitually exposed to mercury, had toenail
mercury levels (0.91 mcg/gram) that were twice as high as the levels found in non-dentists (0.45 mcg/gram).
They also found a direct relationship between fish consumption and mercury level with participants
consuming an average of 357 grams (3/4 lb) of fish per week having a level of 0.75 mcg/gram while those
who consuming 145 grams (1/3 lb) per week had a level of 0.29 mcg/gram. After adjusting for age, smoking
and other risk factors for heart disease the researchers conclude that there is no clear association between
total mercury exposure and the risk of coronary heart disease, but that a weak relation cannot be ruled
Guallar, E, et al. Mercury, fish oils, and the risk of myocardial infarction. New England Journal of
Medicine, Vol. 347, November 28, 2002, pp. 1747-54
Yoshizawa, K, et al. Mercury and the risk of coronary heart disease in men. New England Journal of
Medicine, Vol. 347, November 28, 2002, pp. 1755-60
Bolger, PM and Schwetz, BA. Mercury and health. New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 347,
November 28, 2002, pp. 1735-36
Editor's comment: The two studies clearly do not agree as to whether high mercury levels are
associated with an increased risk of coronary heart disease. I am inclined to believe that they are.
Furthermore, there is compelling evidence of significant associations between high mercury levels and
Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, congestive heart failure, kidney damage, hearing loss, and high
blood pressure. So definitely, mercury, from whatever source, is a very bad actor and should be avoided.
The joint European/Israeli/US study clearly confirms that DHA (fish oil) is protective against a first heart
attack, so regular consumption of low-mercury-level fish is still a healthy option. An alternative approach to
obtaining DHA (and EPA) on a regular basis is to supplement with 1 gram/day of a high quality, molecular
distilled, non-rancid fish oil containing a minimum of 220 mg EPA and 220 mg DHA. Reliable sources of
such fish oils can be found at
and at
To be on the safe side it is best to eat fish and shellfish with an average mercury content of less than 0.10
ppm. Unfortunately, there are not too many species left that fulfill this requirement. King crab, scallops,
catfish, salmon (fresh, frozen and canned), oysters, shrimp, clams, saltwater perch, flounder, and sole are
all good choices. Salmon is my favourite because of its combination of a low mercury content with a high
level of beneficial EPA and DHA. The following fish species should be avoided: tilefish, swordfish, king
mackerel, shark, grouper, tuna, American lobster, halibut, pollock, sablefish, and Dungeness and blue crab.
Limited sampling of the following also indicated high mercury levels: red snapper, marlin, orange roughy,
saltwater bass. Atlantic cod, haddock, mahi mahi, and ocean perch have mercury levels around 0.18 ppm,
so should be eaten in moderation. For more on mercury content of fish see
Amalgam dental fillings are a health hazard
NEW YORK, NY. Dr. Gary Null, PhD and Dr. Martin Feldman, MD have just released a major report
concerning the health hazards of dental amalgam (silver) fillings. They point to incontrovertible evidence
that mercury continually leaches from amalgam fillings at a rate of about 10-50 times the safe limit (0.28
microgram/day) set by the US Public Health Service. Mercury has been linked to birth defects, multiple
sclerosis, fatigue, Alzheimer's disease, depression, anxiety, reduced immune function, antibiotic resistance,
and impaired kidney function. Researchers have found that mercury is a potent killer of white blood cells
and that proper removal of amalgam fillings will restore white blood cell counts to healthy levels. There is
also evidence that the number of T-cells (an important part of immune defenses) decreases substantially
when amalgam fillings are placed in the mouth, but increases again once the fillings are removed.
The American Dental Association (ADA) maintains that amalgam fillings are safe – a position made
completely untenable by the fact that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has declared amalgam to
be a hazardous material. It is interesting that the ADA, when confronted by a lawsuit regarding the use of
amalgam fillings, made the following statement in its defense, "The ADA owes no legal duty of care to
protect the public from allegedly dangerous products used by dentists."
Several studies have found that chewing markedly increases the amount of mercury released from amalgam
fillings into the mouth and that these mercury vapours easily find their way into the pituitary gland and the
brain. Autopsies performed at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden revealed that people with amalgam fillings
had three times more mercury in the brain and nine times more in the kidneys than did people with no
amalgam fillings.
Common bacteria found in the mouth and intestines can convert mercury to methylmercury, a compound
that is 100 times more toxic than is elemental mercury. Methylmercury passes both the blood-brain and
placental barriers and following a large exposure can remain in the brain for 10 years or more.
Considering that dentists still place about one million amalgam fillings in the mouths of American citizens
every day it is clear that disorders caused by amalgam toxicity is a horrendous problem. Not everyone is
sensitive to mercury, but various studies estimate the percentage that are to be somewhere between 10 and
44 per cent. Fortunately, a few governments are beginning to wake up to the dangers and are passing laws
restricting or outright banning the use of amalgam fillings. The German, Norwegian, Swedish, Canadian and
British governments have advised dentists not to install or remove amalgam fillings in pregnant women.
Since November 2000 the following sign has been posted in all dental offices in California, "WARNING –
Amalgam fillings contain a chemical element known to the State of California to cause birth defects or other
reproductive harm". The California Dental Association apparently lobbied successfully to ensure that the
word mercury did not appear in the warning.
The Australian Society of Oral Medicine and Toxicology has concluded that mercury in amalgam fillings is
continuously released from the fillings and accumulates in tissues throughout the body where it interferes
with many physiological functions.
Null, Gary and Feldman, Martin. Mercury dental amalgams: the controversy continues. Journal of
Orthomolecular Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 2, 2nd Quarter 2002, pp. 85-110 [180 references]
Editor's comment: There is no question in my mind that amalgam fillings pose a serious health risk
to everyone whether or not they actually exhibit symptoms of mercury toxicity at this time. New amalgam
fillings should be avoided and old ones replaced with composite fillings under safe conditions when it
becomes necessary.
Mercury linked to heart disease
ROME, ITALY. Medical researchers at the Catholic University in Rome report that patients with congestive
heart failure (idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy or IDCM) have vastly elevated concentrations of mercury
and antimony in their heart tissue. They compared trace element concentrations in biopsy samples from the
left ventricle among patients with IDCM and patients with valvular disorders or no heart disease at all. The
IDCM patients had mercury concentrations 22,000 times higher than in the controls. Antimony
concentrations were 12,000 times higher and silver, gold, chromium and arsenic levels were also highly
elevated. Holter monitoring revealed frequent ectopic (premature) beats in all the IDCM patients and
ventricular tachycardias in six of the 13 patients. None of the patients had had occupational exposure to the
trace elements. Researchers at the University of Calgary point out that dental amalgams would be the most
likely source of the mercury.
Frustaci, Andrea, et al. Marked elevation of myocardial trace elements in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy
compared with secondary cardiac dysfunction. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Vol. 33,
May 1999, pp. 1578-83 [32 references]
Lorscheider, Fritz and Vimy, Murray. Mercury and idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. Journal of the
American College of Cardiology, Vol. 35, March 1, 2000, p. 819 (letter to the editor)
Trigeminal neuralgia linked to amalgam fillings
JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA. Dr. William Cheshire, a physician at the Mayo Clinic, reports on a case where
a woman's trigeminal neuralgia (tic douloureux) was traced to a galvanic reaction between an amalgam
filling and an adjacent gold-alloy crown. Consumption of tomatoes and other acidic foods produced intense
jolts described as being like those of an "electrical battery". The jolts in turn resulted in excruciating pain in
the trigeminal nerve. Replacing the amalgam filling with a composite resolved the problem. Dr. Cheshire
points out that dissimilar metals in contact with saliva can form a galvanic cell which can generate electrical
currents with several hundred millivolts of potential. He points out that many patients with trigeminal
neuralgia describe their pain in terms of "electrical" jolts and concludes that his patient's neuralgia may well
have been triggered by the galvanic reaction between the amalgam filling and the gold crown.
Cheshire, William P., Jr. The shocking tooth about trigeminal neuralgia. New England Journal of
Medicine, Vol. 342, June 29, 2000, p. 2003 (correspondence)
Dental alloys affect cellular energy production
NOTE: We usually do not report test tube or animal experiments, but thought we would make an
exception in this case. The findings that commonly used dental alloys may interrupt the normal function of
human cells is a first and could have wide-ranging effects.
BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA. Although nickel is known to be carcinogenic in humans it is still widely used in
certain dental alloys. Researchers at the University of Alabama now report that other components of dental
alloys (beryllium, chromium, and molybdenum) as well as nickel affect the very basic function of human cells
- the production of energy (ATP). ATP is produced in the mitochondria of cells and involves highly oxidative
processes. It is becoming increasingly clear that abnormalities in the mitochondrial processes are important
causes of human disease. Some researchers believe that a slowing down of these processes actually
heralds the very first stage in the proliferation of abnormal cells and cancer.
The Alabama researchers exposed cultures of human gingival (gum) cells to solutions of nickel, beryllium,
chromium (tri- and hexavalent) and molybdenum (hexavalent) for periods of 24 and 72 hours. They then
measured the energy production and oxygen consumption of the cells' mitochondria in the various solutions.
Cells in contact with nickel or hexavalent chromium were most affected and showed decreased ATP
(energy) production as well as a decrease in oxygen consumption. The effects of beryllium, molybdenum,
and trivalent chromium were similar, but less pronounced. The researchers conclude that their findings may
be the first indication that some components of common dental alloys may be detrimental to human health.
They urge further research to establish possible synergisms between mixtures of these different metals on
mitochondrial energy production. [54 references]
Messer, R.L.W., et al. An investigation of fibroblast mitochondria enzyme activity and respiration in
response to metallic ions released from dental alloys. J Biomed Mater Res, Vol. 50, 2000, pp. 598-
Dental amalgams come under fire - again!
TAURANGA, NEW ZEALAND. The New Zealand Ministry of Health is reviewing its policy on the use of
mercury-containing amalgams for tooth fillings. This review comes hard on the heels of a precautionary
advice from the UK Department of Health which warns pregnant women not to have amalgam fillings
installed. Dr. Mike Godfrey, a leading environmental physician, points out that several major amalgam
manufacturers have issued Material Safety Data Sheets and Directions for Use which clearly warns of the
many dangers of amalgam fillings. Among the restrictions - amalgam fillings should not be used next to
fillings or crowns containing other metals, they should not be used under crowns, they should not be used in
patients with kidney disease, in pregnant women or in children aged six years or younger. The
manufacturers also warn that mercury vapours from amalgam fillings can induce psychiatric symptoms in
extremely low concentrations. Depression, mental deterioration, and irritability are among the symptoms
listed. Amalagam fillings are banned in Sweden and Health Canada has proposed a limit of one (two
surfaces) amalgam fillings in a child and four (eight surfaces) in an adult. Dr. Godfrey points out that his
chronic fatigue syndrome patients have an average of 15 amalgam fillings each and exhibit many of the
symptoms that the amalgam manufacturers are warning against.
Godfrey, M.E. and Feek, Colin. Dental amalgam. New Zealand Medical Journal, Vol. 111, August 28, 1998,
p. 326 (letters to the editor)
Depression and amalgam fillings
FORT COLLINS, COLORADO. There is some evidence that people with dental amalgam fillings are more
likely to suffer from depression than are people without such fillings. Now researchers at the Rocky
Mountain Research Institute report that removal of amalgam fillings can markedly improve the symptoms of
manic-depressive illness (bipolar disorder). Their study involved 20 patients who had been diagnosed with
manic-depressive illness. All the patients had amalgam fillings (an average of 10 fillings each). The
concentration of mercury in the mouth was measured at the start of the study and was found to increase
almost 300 per cent after chewing gum for 10 minutes. Other research has shown that 75 per cent or more
of the mercury vapor released by chewing is inhaled into the lungs where it enters the blood stream and
subsequently passes into the brain. Eleven of the patients were assigned to have all their mercury fillings
removed and were also given multi-vitamins and antioxidants to help chelate and remove the mercury
released during the dental work. The remaining nine patients had a sealant placed over their fillings and
were told that this sealant would prevent mercury from being released from their fillings. In actual fact there
was no evidence that it would do so. The control group patients were given a supplemental vitamin and
mineral tablet. The patients all completed various questionnaires designed to evaluate their mental health
before and six to eight months after treatment. It was very clear that the patients who had had their
amalgam fillings removed had improved very significantly in such important parameters as anxiety,
depression, paranoia, hostility, and obsessive compulsive behaviour. Some of the patients were able to
discontinue their lithium medication after amalgam removal. The researchers caution that their study was
relatively small and urge large scale clinical trials to validate their findings.
Siblerud, Robert L., et al. Psychometric evidence that dental amalgam mercury may be an etiological factor
in manic depression. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Vol. 13, No. 1, First Quarter 1998, pp. 31-
Amalgam fillings may damage kidneys.
NEWSBRIEF. Amalgam fillings and skin-lightening creams both contain significant
amounts of mercury. Researchers at the King Faisal Hospital in Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia have just completed a study aimed at determining whether the mercury
actually gets into the blood stream. The study involved 225 women (aged 17 to
58 years) who had their urine measured for mercury, creatinine, urea, uric acid,
phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and glucose. The urinary mercury level varied
between 0 and 204.8 micrograms per liter and was directly related to the number
of dental amalgam fillings present in the women's mouths. The researchers
conclude that chronic exposure to mercury may be associated with deterioration
of renal (kidney) function.
Biometals, Vol. 10, October 1997, pp. 315-23
Amalgam fillings and hearing loss
FORT COLLINS, COLORADO. The leaching of toxic mercury from amalgam fillings has been implicated in
hearing loss. Mercury toxicity has also been linked to multiple sclerosis (MS). It is believed that the toxic
effects of mercury cause damage to the blood brain barrier, demyelination (damage to the nerves' myelin
sheaths) and slowing of the nerve conduction velocity. Now researchers at the Rocky Mountain Research
Institute provide convincing proof that dental amalgam fillings may be responsible for the hearing loss often
experienced by multiple sclerosis patients. Their experiment involved seven women aged 32-46 years who
had been diagnosed with MS. The women underwent a standard hearing test in a sound booth and then
had all their amalgam fillings replaced with composites. Six to eight months later they were again given the
hearing test. Six of the seven patients had significantly improved hearing in the right ear and five of the
seven showed improvement in the left ear. Overall, hearing improved an average of eight decibels. The
researchers conclude that amalgam fillings may be a significant factor in hearing loss experienced by MS
patients and could be a factor in hearing loss in other people as well.
Siblerud, Robert L. and Kienholz, Eldon. Evidence that mercury from dental amalgam may cause hearing
loss in multiple sclerosis patients. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Vol. 12, No. 4, Fourth Quarter, 1997,
pp. 240-44
Chronic mercury poisoning is widespread
HILLEROED, DENMARK. A Danish dentist, Dr. H. Lichtenberg, reports that most of his patients with
amalgam fillings suffer from chronic mercury poisoning. Dr. Lichtenberg measured the actual concentration
of mercury vapour in the mouths of his patients and found that it varied between 3 micrograms of mercury
vapour per cubic meter of air and 329 mcg/m3 with an average of 54.6 mcg/m3. This compares to a
maximum permitted level in the workplace of 50 mcg/m3 for people working eight hours a day five days a
week. NOTE: This level applies to Denmark; the maximum level permitted in Switzerland is 10 mcg/m3 and
in the USA it is 100 mcg/m3. A recent conference in Canada proposed a Tolerable Daily Intake (TDI) for
mercury vapour of 0.014 mcg/kg of body weight per day; this corresponds to a maximum tolerable daily
intake of 1.0 mcg for a person weighing 70 kilograms. Most of Dr. Lichtenberg's patients were thus exposed
to 50 times the TDI. More than half of Dr. Lichtenberg's patients exhibited one or more of the following
symptoms of chronic mercury poisoning - fatigue, poor concentration, poor memory, bloating, joint pain,
muscle fatigue, cold hands and feet, irritability, and headache. Mercury poisoning from dental fillings has
also been implicated in Alzheimer's disease and heart disease.
Lichtenberg, H. Mercury vapour in the oral cavity in relation to number of amalgam surfaces and the classic
symptoms of chronic mercury poisoning. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, Vol. 11, No. 2, Second
Quarter 1996, pp. 87-94
Mercury linked to heart disease
HELSINKI, FINLAND. Researchers at the University of Kuopio in Finland have just completed a major study
which clearly implicates mercury as a major cause of heart attacks and other coronary and cardiovascular
diseases. The researchers set out to discover why men in Eastern Finland who eat lots of locally caught fish
have an exceptionally high mortality from cardiovascular disease. Their conclusion was that the non-fatty
freshwater fish eaten in Eastern Finland contains large amounts of mercury. The researchers discovered
that men who had a high fish consumption not only had a high mercury content in their hair and urine, but
also had a two-fold higher risk of having a heart attack and a three-fold higher risk of dying from heart
disease than did men with a lower content of mercury in their hair. Men who ate fatty, ocean-caught fish
such as salmon, herring, and tuna did not have an increased level of mercury in their hair. The researchers
believe that mercury promotes heart disease in several ways: mercury promotes free radical generation; it
inactivates the body's natural antioxidant glutathione; and it binds with selenium thus making it unavailable
as an antioxidant and component of glutathione peroxidase. All these mechanisms would lead to an
increased level of lipid peroxidation and subsequent heart disease. The researchers also point out that
earlier studies have discovered a clear correlation between the number of amalgam tooth fillings and the risk
of heart attack. Selenium and vitamin E have both been found to have a protective effect against mercury
Salonen, Jukka T. et al. Intake of mercury from fish, lipid peroxidation, and the risk of myocardial infarction
and coronary, cardiovascular, and any death in Eastern Finnish men. Circulation, Vol. 91, No. 3, February
1, 1995, pp. 645-55
Peer of the Realm questions use of amalgam fillings
LONDON, ENGLAND. Lord Baldwin, joint chairman of the British Parliamentary Group for Alternative and
Complementary Medicine, is questioning the safety of amalgam dental fillings. In a letter published in the
British Medical Journal Lord Baldwin asserts that it is up to the dental profession to prove that amalgam
fillings are safe and, in Lord Baldwin's opinion, this they have not done. To point to the fact that amalgam
fillings have been used for a hundred years is not a proof of safety anymore than it is to claim that tobacco
smoking must be safe because people have been doing it for a long time, says Lord Baldwin.
Baldwin, E.A.A. Controlled trials of dental amalgam are needed. British Medical Journal, Vol. 309, October
29, 1994, p. 1161
American Dental Association's
Special Report and Statement of Confidence
in Dental Amalgam
This document is online at:
This response was prepared by the International Academy of Oral
Medicine and Toxicology, a Canadian non-profit charitable organization dedicated to
research and education. The IAOMT's corporate center is in Canada, but send all mail to
its Executive Director, Michael Ziff, D.D.S, at P.O. Box 608531, Orlando, FL, 32860-8531.
recent history.
PRESENTATION: ADA claims and our
CONCLUSION: The ADA misinforms the
REFERENCES: Forty-four books and
periodical articles.
In 1985 the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT)
reviewed the transcript of the National Institute of Dental Research (NIDR) Workshop on
the Biocompatibility of Metals in Dentistry1 and the then available scientific
literature and concluded that there was reasonable doubt about the safety of dental
amalgam. We recommended that:
The use of mercury/silver fillings should be discontinued until such time as
primary pathological evidence of amalgam safety is produced.
Since that time, there have been a series of published statements/articles from
the American Dental Association (ADA) and Canadian Dental Association (CDA), all claiming
that dental amalgam was safe for use as a filling material. None of these pronouncements
referenced or provided any basic scientific research showing the safety of amalgam. Since
the majority of dentists in North America rely on the guidelines of the leadership of the
ADA, the CDA and the NIDR, it is imperative that these organizations be scientifically
accurate when they make statements to the profession which can affect the public health.
To address this issue of accuracy the following scientific response was prepared by the
Board of Directors of IAOMT on behalf of our members. Claims of alleged safety are
compared with the documented scientific literature.
Since our 1985 recommended moratorium on future placement of mercury/silver
fillings, scientific research has furthered reinforced the basis for our concern. The
IAOMT acknowledges that primary pathological data linking mercury from dental amalgam with
any specific disease is not available. This would in fact be impossible because primary
studies have never been undertaken. However, we understand that such investigations are
currently underway, partially funded by this academy.
In the interest of public safety, we reaffirm our 1985 position that the use of
this material should cease.
In April of 1990 the ADA published a Special Report, entitled When Your
Patients Ask About Mercury In Amalgam.2
This American Dental Association Special Report is of concern because it omits
information and contains misinformation which misleads patients and dentists regarding
amalgam safety. This misinformation could have a serious impact, preventing patients from
making an accurate informed consent.
The IAOMT has reviewed a few of the pertinent statements and compared them to
the published and documented scientific facts.
Eleven American Dental Association Claims 2
Scientifically Refuted
The Patient Asks, | |
The ADA Answers: "Not | IAOMT Response: The ADA answer |
The ADA answer fails to mention that set dental amalgam continuously releases "It is a fallacy that mercury is neutralized when it is combined with Research has shown that mercury even in extremely small amounts has toxic
The Patient Asks, | |
The ADA Answers: "Recent | IAOMT Response: The |
Published experimental evidence as early as 1926 has demonstrated that mercury Recent advances in both equipment and measurement technique have allowed Dental fillings release mercury. The mercury release dramatically increases To study these possibilities Vimy et al. (1990) designed an elegant animal 1) Within 3 days after amalgam placement mercury was found in the maternal 2) By 16 days after amalgam placement the maternal mercury levels were highest 3) At 33 days after amalgam placement (birthtime), most fetal tissues had 4) During lactation there was 8 times more mercury in the milk than maternal 5) Seventy-three days after amalgam placement, mercury levels in the maternal The researchers concluded that mercury vapor released from dental amalgam |
The Patient Asks, | |
The ADA Answers: "Absolutely, | IAOMT Response: The ADA answer |
In contrast to the ADA position, it has been scientifically concluded that |
The Patient Asks, | |
The ADA Answers: "The | IAOMT Response: The ADA answer |
There is no ADA certification for the mixed amalgam as, "safe and |
In the statement of confidence in amalgam, the ADA no longer maintains that the | |
The ADA States: "The | IAOMT Response: This is a |
It should be cause for concern that approximately seventy-two tons of mercury Historically numerous common products were thought to be safe; for example Moreover, the resulting pathology from mercury tends to be of a medical nature |
The ADA Statement Of Confidence "The Food and Drug Administration in | IAOMT Response:
In fact, the FDA in 1987 classified the alloy and the mercury components of |
The Patient Asks, | |
The ADA Answers: The Since 1984 the ADA has claimed that the incidence of hypersensitivity to | IAOMT Response: The ADA answer |
The ADA position is in stark contrast to the published scientific literature It has been reported that cutaneous (skin) allergy to mercury occurs in Studies of those with amalgam fillings finds that between 2% - 35% test The development of this adverse reaction may not be immediate but, research |
American Dental | |
The ADA 's Sources: The Bibliography: 1) Reinhardt, J.W. Risk assessment of mercury exposure from | IAOMT Response: The ADA |
The total lack of valid science to support the continued use of amalgam is They cite only review articles and lay media reports and no primary research The review articles and lay reports rely almost exclusively on measurements of The scientific literature clearly does not support such an approach. Quoting directly from the research, "Urinary mercury levels may give some Moreover, none of the articles referenced in the ADA bibliography contain hard |
"Filling Dental | |
The ADA Promotes: The | IAOMT Response: This brochure |
It is the conclusion of this academy, the International Academy of Oral |
The ADA Principals | |
The ADA States: The | IAOMT Response: The patient's |
Scientific documentation has clearly proven chronic exposure, biological |
Changes to the | |
The ADA Alters: The | IAOMT Response: These changes |
We conclude that the alteration of the ADA and CDA code of ethics to indict Although the Associations state that "dentists should choose the best |
Given the inconsistencies between the scientific facts and this American Dental
Association Special Report, the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology has
serious concerns regarding the ADA's lack of scientific rigor and the tendency to
misinform the dental profession and, thereby, the public at large regarding the
established scientific facts about amalgam safety.
We hereby call to task the ADA for failure to adequately support their position
on dental amalgam with hard scientific data. This failure has resulted in inadequate
protection to the public and inadequately protects the membership of the ADA from personal
harm due to amalgam usage.
First in every concerned doctor's mind is the protection of the patient from
additional exposure to mercury. This is especially true of the mercury toxic patient. The
mercury toxic patient may have been exposed to varying amounts of mercury from diet,
environment, employment or from mercury/silver dental fillings. All forms are cumulative
and can contribute to the body burden. The goal of this preferred procedure is to minimize
any additional exposure of the patient, ourselves, or staff to mercury.
During chewing the patient is exposed to intraoral levels which are several times the EPA
allowable air concentration. 2 During the
removal or placement of amalgam the patient can be exposed to amounts which are a thousand
times greater than the EPA allowable concentration.3 Once the
drill touches the filling temperature increases immediately vaporizing the mercury
component of the alloy. There are 8 steps to greatly reducing everyone's exposure.
1. Keep the fillings cool
All removal must be done under cold water spray with copious amounts of water.
Once the removal has begun, the mercury vapor will be continuously released from the
2. Use a high volume evacuator
Therefore, a high volume evacuator tip should be kept near the tooth (1/2 inch)
at all times to evacuate this vapor from the area of the patient. Polishing amalgam can
create very dangerous levels of mercury and should be avoided especially for the mercury
toxic patient.
3. Provide an alternative air source
All patients having amalgam removed or placed should be provided with an
alternative air source and instructed to not breathe through their mouth during treatment.
A nasal hood such as is used with the nitrous oxide analgesia equipment is excellent. Air
is best and oxygen is acceptable although not required. If just air is used it should be
clean and free of mercury vapor preferably from outside the dental office.
4. Immediately dispose of the mercury alloy
Particles of mercury alloy should be washed and vacuumed away as soon as they
are generated. The filling should be sectioned and removed in large pieces to reduce
At present the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) has approved
removal both with and without the use of a rubber dam. Some evidence exist to support both
views since high levels of mercury and amalgam particles can be found under the dam. All
members are agreed that whether or not a rubber dam is used the patient should be
instructed to not breathe through their mouth or swallow the particles. Some experts feel
that it is better to remove the amalgam first and then apply the dam if needed for
restorative procedures.
5. Lavage, and change gloves
After the fillings have been removed, take off the rubber dam if one was used
and lavage the patients mouth for at least 30 seconds with cold water and vacuum. Remove
your gloves and replace them with a new pair. If a restorative procedure is next then
reapply a new dam and proceed.
6. Immediately clean patient
Immediately change patient's protective wear and clean their face.
7. Consider nutritional support
Consider appropriate nutritional support before, during and after removal.
8. Keep room air pure
Install room air purifiers or ionizers and fans for everyone's
well being.
requires that employees be given written informed consent before the use of any toxic
chemicals of which mercury is one. Elemental mercury vapor is one of the most toxic forms
of mercury and should not breathed. Women of child bearing age should be exposed to no
more than 10% of the OSHA MAC6. Women who
are pregnant should be exposed to no mercury.7 If you use
mercury or remove mercury in any form the National Institute of Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH) has recommended that your employees be medically monitored annually.
An approved mask is appropriate for wearing during all dental procedures which
will expose you or your staff to mercury.8
The manner in which dentists operate their equipment dramatically affects the amount of
mercury released. Never drill on mercury high dry. It is hazardous to you, your staff, and
your patient. Levels as high as 4000 m g/M3 have been measured 18" from the drill
when used high dry. Levels over 1000 m g/M3 are measurable upon opening an amalgam mixing
One out of 7 California dental offices tested over the OSHA TWA of 50 m g/M 3 . 100% of
the vacuum cleaner exhaust tested over 100 m g/M 3 . Any office where mercury is used
should be tested regularly and staff should be monitored for exposure. Testing services
are available and a mercury sensor badge is available for personnel monitoring. They
should test inside storage areas and along baseboards where mercury might have dropped.
Office spills can go undetected for years and are extremely hazardous.