Friday, May 11, 2007

RE: food not surprized

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: *Galactic Consciousness*
Date: May 11, 2007 2:35 PM

From: Chrystalize~
Date: May 11, 2007 12:03 PM

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Fear is God
Date: May 11, 2007 10:01 AM

Note - This is likely the biggest non-surprise 'study result' of the last 50 years. The vile, despicable commercial food industry has been POISONING hundreds of millions of children and destroying the lives of many of them for decades...with total, leering impunity. There has never been any question that these chemicals and 'additives' approved as 'safe' by the hideously corrupt Monsanto/Big Pharma/Factory Farming/AMA-dominated FDA - and the FSA in the UK - are toxic, life-altering, life-destroying POISONS.

So, now with an 'official' study finally on the table, what will U.S. food conglomerates and 'candy' companies and corporations do to voluntarily to clean up their products? Probably nothing. We all know what to expect from the FDA: more corruption, deal-making, lies, deceit, obfuscation (how about aspartame for one small example) and the ultimate sacrificing of human lives, especially our children, to the chemical additive and food preservative industries. Read these quotes from the following story carefully:

"The consequences can be very serious for both children and adults...The reaction in children can be horrendous in terms of mood swings with crying, screaming, inability to sleep...There can also be physical reactions such as difficulty in breathing on skin rashes. For a young person there is also a risk of quite angry mood swings."

Now, one would hope it wouldn't take any more information than that to enable people to also see the DIRECT CAUSAL LINK between the knowing poisoning of children's food with toxic additives and preservatives, and the mega-BILLION dollar psychotropic childhood drugging industry with its front line destroyer/killers of Ritalin and its stable of antidepressant SSRIs which permanently, physically change the brain and decimate the lives in countless human beings. Is there collusion between the 'food protection agencies' (FDA, FSA, etc) and the pharmaceutical industry? At the very LEAST, there is a luxurious, astronomically profitable trillion dollar symbiotic interaction.

The food additive chemical poisoning of our children (and adults) into aberrant, dysfunctional, 'anti-social' mental and psychological behavior which is then 'treated' by the complicit and seemingly insane psychological/medical industry which leaps to put put children on their killer medications to 'correct' what are usually nothing more than toxic chemical reactions is beyond heinous. The black humor of poisoned children being diagnosed NOT as having been poisoned but as suffering from phony disorders like ADD, ADHD and other 'anti-social' and learning disability monikers boggles the mind and should send a surge of outrage through every parent on the planet.

So, read on and don't say we, and thousands of others, haven't been trying to warn of this for the last 20-plus years. Read labels, buy only organic and NON-GMO, and try to give your children (and yourselves) a fighting chance for a normal life. God knows there are dozens of other destroyers of lives waiting and lurking to greet them as they grow up. - Jeff Rense, Editor-in-Chief

Food Additives Tied To Child Behavior Problems

The proof food additives ARE as bad as we feared.

By Sean Poulter

Parents have been warned to avoid artificial additives used in drinks, sweets and processed foods amid a link to behaviour problems in children. A study funded by the government's Food Standards Agency(FSA) is understood to have drawn a link with temper tantrums and poor concentration.
There are also concerns about allergic reactions such as asthma and rashes.

The findings are potentially explosive for the entire food industry, which faces the need to reformulate a vast array of children's products. Vyvyan Howard, professor of bio-imaging at Ulster University and an adviser to the FSA, called on parents and manufacturers to protect children. He said: "It is biologically plausible that they could be having an effect. "Parents can protect their children by avoiding foods containing the additives. I personally do not feed these sorts of foods to my 15-month-old daughter."

He called on manufacturers and supermarkets to remove the additives on a precautionary basis. He said: "It is the right thing to do to remove these additives from children's foods. They have no nutritional value, so why put them in?

"There are very tight restrictions banning these additives from foods designed for children under the age of one. "But why stop there? Children's brains and nervous systems are developing beyond the age of one."

Prof Howard is not a member of the FSA committee assessing the latest research, however he did advise on how the study should be conducted. Experts on the FSA's Committee on Toxicity(CoT) are expected to say that parents who want to minimise any risk of an adverse reaction should avoid these additives.

Some leading companies have already responded to mounting evidence of harm caused by chemical additives, particularly the vivid colours used to dress up products.

Smarties has dropped artificial colours with the result the blue variety has been axed. Sainsbury's recently announced a ban on artificial colours and flavours from 120 own label soft drinks. This follows similar moves by Marks & Spencer and the Co-op.

The research, carried out by a team from Southampton University, appears to confirm earlier studies suggesting additives can cause reactions, either individually or as a cocktail.

The colours, tested on groups of three-year-olds and eight-to-nine year olds, were tartrazine (E102), ponceau 4R (E124), sunset yellow (E110), carmoisine (E122), quinoline yellow (E104) and allura red AC (E129).

The team also looked at the effect of the preservative sodium benzoate (E211), which is commonly used in soft drinks. Precise details of the research findings are being kept secret until they can be peer reviewed and published in a scientific journal.

However, a source at Southampton University told the food industry's magazine, The Grocer, that their results are in line with earlier findings, published in 2004.

The original research, which took place on the Isle of Wight, involved giving fruit drinks to children aged three. In some weeks, these were laced with additives. Parents reported changed behaviour when the youngsters were given the additives.

However, the original findings were questioned because they relied on anecdotal reports from parents while the fact the children were so young made it difficult to measure their behaviour in a meaningful way. Because of these doubts, a second tranche of research was commissioned following advice from an expert committee, which included Professor Howard.

The Founder of the Hyperactive Children Support Group, Sally Bunday, said there is good evidence that artificial additives can have a harmful effect.

She said: "The consequences can be very serious for both children and adults who are sensitive to these artificial colours. "The reaction in children can be horrendous in terms of mood swings with crying, screaming, inability to sleep.

"There can also be physical reactions such as difficulty in breathing on skin rashes. For a young person there is also a risk of quite angry mood swings."

The founder of the organic brand Organix, Lizzie Vann, has been campaigning for a ban on all artificial additives from children's food.

"The use of artificial additives in children's foods means we are conducting a long-term experiment on our children's health," she said.

"If the Government is serious about improving children's nutrition the ban on artificial food additives must be a priority."

The Food & Drink Federation, which speaks for manufacturers, said the colours and chemicals used by the industry are proven to be safe. "The use of food additives is strictly regulated under European law," it said. "They must be approved as safe by the appropriate European scientific committee before they can be used...Consumers' intake of food additives is also closely monitored.

"A recent European Commission report on 'Dietary Food Additive Intake' indicated that consumption of all types of additives was within the strict safety limits set by the legislation. Particular attention was given to consumption by children."

The FSA and Southampton University refused to comment until the research has been officially published.

©2007 Associated Newspapers Ltd


-------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: *Galactic Consciousness*
Date: May 11, 2007 2:43 PM

From: TREYYA&trade
Date: May 11, 2007 11:52 AM

From: Pharmaceuticals KILL People & Animals!

Thanks, you can post this to your bulletin: Please do so by including the image and links, which you'd have to hit reply and copy and paste all the text below:

Evidence That Just Two Hours of Cell Phone Use Causes Brain Damage

Popular Science Mag Covers Cell Phone Link to Brain Damage

The dangers of cellular phones have been out for years now. This is just one of a list of hundreds of studies and articles compiled in an archive (

A Swedish study links mobile phones to brain damage.
Popular Science Magazine, February 2004

Researchers at Sweden's Lund University say these rat-brain cross-sections show first-ever evidence of brain damage from cellphone radiation.

While the controls (example, top) appear healthy, the test subjects (bottom), which were exposed to a 2-hour dose of cellphone radiation of varying intensities, are heavily spotted with proteins (dark patches) leaked from surrounding blood vessels, and show signs of significant neuronal damage.

Here is a powerful high-quality presentation you should see to learn more about cell phone radiation, electropollution, and the easy solution to protecting ourselves and our loved ones from these risks:

Watch this short flash video to easily understand the full health effects *and the solution* to cell phone radiation and all invisible electropollution:

Other studies or articles about cell phone risks:

Cell Phone Headsets "Emit More Radiation"
Yahoo.News (UK&Ireland) - April, 2000 (

Cell Phone Radiation May Cause Visual Damage
IsraCast Technology News, July 2005 (

REFLEX report shows that mobile phone radiation damages living cells
The REFLEX project , December, 2004 (

U.K. Gov. Bans Cell Phones in All Schools
The Sun, UK Press Sunday, November 2003 (

Cel phone convenience or 21st century plague?
Earthpulse Press, July 2004 (

Children’s Advocates Ask Congress to Investigate Marketing of Mobile Phones to Kids Progressive Newswire , July, 2005 (

Limit cell use: Health officer - Long-term phone risks
TORONTO STAR, July, 2005 (

You Don't Deserve Brain Cancer-You Deserve The Facts
Coastal Post , March, 2005 (

Studies have shown numerous biological effects from cell phone radiation
TORONTO STAR, July, 2005 (

Late Lessons from early warnings - Concerns about popular wireless devices
TORONTO STAR, July, 2005 (

Can we reduce cellphone risk for kids? -Other countries take precautions
TORONTO STAR, July, 2005 (

Even low-level radiation has cancer risk, scientists say

Is her cellphone safe? Some scientists trying to find the answer say they've been pressured to soften controversial findings
TORONTO STAR, July, 2005 (

What Cell Phones Can Do To Youngster's Brain In 2 Minutes
U.K. Sunday Mirror, London, April 1, 2004 (

RF radiation linked to Autism in children
Research Study

Robert C. Kane, Ph.D., February 2004 (

Mobile users are advised to keep their calls short
EveningTimes, London, April 30, 2004

WHO Invokes Precautionary Principle For High and Low-Frequency EMFs
Microwave News - March/April 2003 (

Headaches from Mobile Phones: French Scientist Offers Mechanism
Microwave News, November/October 2001 (

Maximum EMF Exposure Emerges As Strong Miscarriage Risk
Microwave News, May/June 2001(

1993 FDA Memo Data "Strongly Suggest" Microwaves Can Promote Cancer
Microwave News, May/June 2001(

Cell phone Industry Fails to Halt Suits
Health Issues

November 2005 (

Click here ( to find even more articles, and go to BioPro Technologies Website for Product infomation on how you can use new technologies with your cell phone and other electrical devices, to keep yourself safe from the harmful radiation. Go to and click on "products" to learn more.

click here for a list of articles about cell phone safety: